After Wisdom Teeth Removal orange county ca

wisdom teeth removal recovery near Anaheim ca

Bleeding | Swelling | Sutures | How to Clean Out Wisdom Teeth Holes | Medications | Diet | Smoking

The healing period may take 1-3 weeks for extractions. Normal conditions following surgery include some achiness, tenderness, muscle stiffness, facial bruising, and/or swelling. Below you can find information on how to flush out wisdom teeth sockets to remain to ensure proper hygiene during the healing process. If you experience anything abnormal or have any questions, please call our office immediately at JAW HAUS Oral & Maxillofacial Robotic Surgery Phone Number 714-771-7677.

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a woman holds an extracted wisdom tooth


Some oozing or bleeding is normal for the first 24 hours after surgery. If there is active bleeding, place a folded gauze pad over the area and bite down firmly for about 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary.

Note: If active bleeding continues, please call our office immediately.


For the first 24 hours, apply an ice bag to your face on the side of the surgery for 20 minutes, then 20 minutes off. After the first 24 hours, apply a warm compress (a warm damp towel or heat pad).

Note: Peak swelling and/or pain usually occurs within 48-72 hours.


If sutures were placed, they will dissolve and fall out on their own within 5-10 days after surgery.

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how to clean out wisdom teeth holes

The day after surgery, you will rinse your mouth after each meal for 3 days with warm saltwater. On day 4, you will use the given plastic syringe to irrigate the lower sockets after each meal (3-5 times a day), if given to you. Fill the syringe with warm water. Retract your cheek using your finger. Direct the tip of the syringe over the top of the socket (not inside the socket). Flush the socket, swish the warm salt water in your mouth, then spit out. Repeat until no food debris comes out. Brush teeth gently with a soft toothbrush.


Take prescription medications as directed. It is recommended that you take 1 pain pill following the surgery before the anesthetic wears off. If antibiotics are prescribed to you, be sure to take the medication as directed until it is ALL gone.

Note: If you have any unusual reactions to the medications, please call our office.


Drink nourishing liquids and eat soft solid foods such as soup, yogurt, ice cream, Jell-O, mashed potatoes, pudding, etc. for at least the 3 days after surgery. You may return to your normal diet when your mouth is able to tolerate solid food.

Note: Do not use straws and no spitting for 2 days after surgery. This may dislodge the blood clot prematurely or cause bleeding.


Avoid smoking for as long as possible after surgery. Smoking can impact the healing process.

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